Article Feature: Go Banking Rates Feature | 5 Job Factors That Are More Important Than Compensation

Our CEO, Melissa Lopez, was featured in Go Banking Rates, in an article titled 5 Job Factors That Are More Important Than Compensation.
The article goes discuss what employees really want from their employers. We automatically assume the factors are lavish perks - shorter workweeks, bigger bonuses, which is what is typically used by various companies to attract workers. Companies recruiting long-termemployees, however, might want to look beyond using the carrot-and-stick approach to recruit and retain talent.
Below are the 5 factors that employees believe are more important than compensation:
The top 3 factors that are more important than compensation are:
1. Trust
2. Flexibility
Melissa shared: “What we have seen in the past two years shows that job seekers prioritize work schedule flexibility over remote work. Businesses should look to offer hybrid work, remote work, in-person work, flexible hours, childcare or other necessary accommodations that allow employees to feel and perform their best.”
3. Connection
Melissa shared: “Activities that encourage communication and care can help ensure people feel connected to their team. This can be as simple as virtual events providing a change of scenery between meetings or more comprehensive team-building programs.”
4. Training and Development
5. Recognition
Read the full Go Banking Rate Article here:
5 Job Factors That Are More Important Than Compensation